Mobile First Is The Correct Way To Build A Website

Why A Mobile First Website Is So Important For Local Business

Is a mobile first website your first choice

Why Mobile First? Because Google Wants It!

If you aren't using a mobile first designed website in your marketing...

You're loosing a lot of customers and a lot of money!

Check out what Google says on their Think With Google blog about Mobile Site Speed:


What Is Mobile First?

Mobile First iphone, ipad and desktop preview


Mobile First is just what it sounds like.  Websites are created first with a Mobile design that goes from the smallest screen available for mobile devices, to full-blown desktop sites.

Today, the majority of websites are created first in a desktop format, then resized (responsive design) to fit 'most' mobile devices.

Literally, every website builder used today creates their sites the same as everyone else. And they aren't using Mobile First technology.  While they do say their sites are designed to 'work on' all mobile devices, or that they are 'mobile friendly', and 'mobile responsive', they still design their websites the old-fashioned way, desktop first.

Mobile Friendly or Mobile Responsive is not Mobile First!  Just Google It!

When your website is designed for Mobile First, it means your mobile site is built from the start with mobile in mind.  Your websites will automatically fit any mobile screen, whether it's a Smartphone, tablet, iOS, Android or Windows device.  Plus, as an added benefit, the desktop version of your mobile site will easily be one of the fastest desktop websites anywhere.


See Why A Mobile First Website Matters

Did You Know...

Did You Know...

Google Prefers To Index Mobile Sites First

What this means for you is that Google will use the mobile version of website pages for indexing and page rank. This helps users on mobile devices find what they are looking for quicker.

Does Your Site Load Fast

Does Your Site Load Fast

Site Speed Is Essential

Internet usage has changed dramatically over the years. No longer are users willing to wait for a website to show up on their mobile devices.  If your site takes longer than 3 seconds to load, more than likely you just lost a customer.

Site Speed Matters!

User Experience

User Experience

Is Your Site User Friendly

It's a known fact that a fast loading website makes a good 'first impression'. A slow loading website can drive people to the competition.

Do you know how your website responds on mobile devices?

Website Conversion Rate

Website Conversion Rate

Website Speed Impacts Your Conversion Rates

It's true, the speed at which your website loads on mobile devices greatly impacts your conversion rate. Slow loading sites drive away customers.  If you're looking to rank better and increase your conversion rate, a mobile site will help you succeed.

Creating Mobile Websites

With SEO Optimization

Effective search engine optimization techniques can significantly increase your chances of attracting new clients for your business.

A mobile website that's fully optimized is key to helping you build a strong presence on the web!


Here's how optimizing your mobile website for speed can help you enhance your SEO efforts.

Website Code Optimization

A quality mobile websites code is optimized to make it easier for search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing to crawl your website and know what content to provide potential visitors.

Image Optimization

The more your website images are optimized for viewing on mobile devices, the faster your website will load.  By reducing the images size, while maintaining their high quality, is easily done with a mobile website.

Server Response Time

A fully optimized mobile site will help reduce a major factor in how fast your website appears on mobile devices. That factor is 'server response time'.  By optimizing your codes, images, videos and almost anything else you want to add, your server will respond much faster, and your website will load faster on your customers mobile devices.

Creating Faster Mobile Sites

With The User In Mind

GTmetrix Page Speed Test for

There are many factors to consider when it comes to having an efficient mobile website and a strong presence on the web. Speed is one of them.

As stated previously, most internet users today expect a website to load in a couple seconds or less. Waiting even a fraction of a second more may determine if your visitors stay on your site, or look elsewhere.

A mobile website, optimized for speed, potentially can help local businesses like yours increase their conversion rates.

Creating Fast Loading Web Pages

I can't stress this enough... Today, users have no patience and expect to receive almost instant gratification when they search for information. Making your mobile website load in an instant is crucial to determining if potential clients stay and learn more about your brand, or just move on.

Optimizing Websites for Conversion

Quality of information and credibility are two main keys that determine if visitors to stay or leave. We'll make sure your website loads fast, looks great, while you make sure to cater to their needs as soon as they convert on your website.

Keeping Visitors On Your Site

It's important for your mobile site to quickly grab the attention of your visitor. Remember, you only have one chance to make a 'first impression'. Having a quality mobile site that impresses in both speed and appearance is mandatory.  Slow site, or ugly site, your visitors will leave before they can see your message.

Return On Investment (ROI)

Optimizing Your Mobile Website

Design For Speed

Design For Speed

My thoughts are you never design a website without a clear plan in mind. Just having a website doesn't mean you are going to get a ton of customers.

This isn't "Field Of Dreams' where if you build it, they will come. Creating your website with a Mobile First strategy will ensure your website is fully optimized and your page speed is sufficient to grab your visitors attention, and keep them engaged.

Inspire Credibility

Inspire Credibility

The best websites inspire credibility.  Having a website that your visitors are impressed with gives them their first perception of your business.  Using Aristotle's "Rhetorical Triangle" easily describes how you can gain credibility from your website.

  • Logos - The use of logic, facts and truth
  • Pathos - How you appeal to your visitors emotions
  • Ethos - How a business shows its character, credibility and authority in their niche.
Be Proactive

Be Proactive

You won't see any change in your results by sitting around waiting to see what happens. If you aren't seeing any positive results from your existing website, like you expected, you may wish to consider a Mobile First designed website.

Be proactive and not reactive. Take action now instead of later.


Is Your Website Designed For Mobile First?

A business without an online mobile presence is invisible. Sadly, a business that doesn't provide a pleasant user experience with a slow loading mobile website, is pretty much invisible too.

Today, marketing your products and services is close to impossible without a fast and efficient mobile website.

Make sure you don't miss out on all the opportunities that online marketing has to offer your business.  Invest in a quality, fully optimized, mobile first designed site.  Don't allow a fraction of a second in load time affect your sales.
The sooner you optimize your website for speed and provide an enhanced user experience, the sooner you'll stop sending YOUR clients and customers to the competition.

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